Saturday, June 21, 2008
Crabby, bored........not a good combination. We had tickets to go see Chicago and the Doobie Brothers, we didn't go cuz of many different reasons, none to my liking neighbors are having a party and it is LOUD. I want to be at the concert not sitting here listening to others having fun. Yep I am not in a good mood.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Ok I will do it!!!
As I was driving to work this morning my head was full of things that I needed to do. One of the things that has really been on my mind is the party that Brenda and I are going to be having to raise money for our marathon for the Leukemia Society. I had spoken with the youth pastor from our church last night about getting the teenagers involved with us so they can sell some tickets for us also. We will be having all kinds of food, drinks, games, boat rides, bouncy houses, dunk tank at this party and we will be selling tickets to it. The youth pastor thought it was a great idea. I was having doubts because there would be adults there who would be having drinks that were not "suitable" for teenagers, so I was torn. Should Brenda just sell the tickets ourselves or should we get the youth group involved? So here I am driving to work, the radio is on but I am not listening to my either of my normal morning stations (one is a christian radio station and the other is like a top 40 station) for some reason my dial was on a classic rock station. There were two announcers on and they were talking about some event that was going to be happening, I caught the announcer saying "Sell the tickets" I was like "Wow, guess that answered my question" and then just to make sure I knew what my answer was the other announcer said something about "doing the Lord's work" Now mind you this was not the Christian radio station, it was a classic rock station.
So guess what? I think those kids are gunna be selling tickets.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Me and my babies
Yep there they are, taller than me, much taller than me I guess! I never noticed that so much till I looked at the picture! They are so excited to be graduated and to be going on to college. John has less than two months before he moves and Josh will be right behind him. I am starting to get used to the idea and starting to realize that I just might be able to enjoy my free time! I just might be able to lose that weight that I am fighting so hard to lose when I don't have to make dinner (well teenage boy kind of dinners!) every night. I would be happy with grilled talapia or chicken breast. Not these boys, they want all the calorie filled carb filled stuff they can get! And when they come home next spring they will say "where is my mom?" I will be so skinny they won't recognize me. LOL ummmm yea I bet.
I keep forgetting to tell you my miles for the weeks like I said I would. I know I am forgetful sorry. This week we did 4 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 today, fridays are off and then Saturday we do 8!! I can't believe we are already up to 8 miles. I will have to take some pics of me and Brenda in trianing so you all can see us. Brenda is my friend that talked into doing this with me. I think she is regretting saying she would!! She is doing a really awesome job though. And she is doing great on her fundraising! She has over $900 in her bank already. Way to go! I just got home from doing my miles a little bit ago. I have to wait till after work to do my miles except on the weekends. I really prefer to do them in the morning and wish I didn't have to be to work so early or I would get up and do them before work. But I have to be there by 6 so there just isn't the time! Well I need a shower so I am off to do that!
Last day of school party
This was from a few weeks ago but I have been busy and forgot about this party I decided to add them now. The kids had alot of fun and they behaved really well. There were alot more of them than just the ones pictured here but I liked these ones the best. The boys looking so tough and the girls looking so...........skinny. Yeah I hate them. LOL
They grilled dogs and burgers, had lots of junk food and pop and played basketball, floated on tubes in the lake and took my paddle boat out. Fun was had by all, yes even me. And best of all...............the twins said "thank you mommy"!
In case you haven't and want to: here is the link to donate
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The graduation party
I was getting a bit worried, ok alot worried because I did not have a tent yet for the boys graduation party. I called a few places and they were sold out. I made a few calls this morning and found a place that had tents left. Not only did he have tents left but he had a blue and gold one, that is thier school colors! I got all the tables and chairs and the tent and they come and set it up and take it down! Here is the best was alot cheaper than the other places that had the smaller white ones (the ones I really didn't want) left. I am so happy. The invites are all out, have been for quite awhile. We will go shopping soon for the drinks and food and we will be all set to have a party. I can't wait! The twins are going to be so excited that they are going to have a blue and gold tent!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Yes it is a done deal! My babies are "offically" done with high school, they are graduates! Don't you just love the faces that they make so that Mom stops crying???? Seems like yesterday they were learning to walk..............time flys by.
Don't you just love the picture of Mark, Aiden, Kristen and the twins? Aiden looks so cute resting his chin on papa's head! So cute. I better watch out or he will be graduating from high school when I wake up!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Aren't they lucky? This is what they get to do with alot of thier days now? Sit out on the pontoon and lounge. The twins actually work 36 to 38 hours a week right now but it seems like most of thier days are spent outside. They do work on the weekends alot but that doesn't count! I want to be out there on the boat all day during the week to. No, I don't want to work weekends though. LOL I want my cake and eat it too!
My sister is in town from Florida right now. She came over to my house and spent the night last night. We had a good time. My son, Robbie, took us out on the boat and we enjoyed that. Went swimming, had Mexican for dinner (yummy! went way over on calories last night!) had a few beers. She stayed the night but she was still in bed when I left for work. She won't be coming back till tomorrow morning and my other sister and my brother will be coming over then also. So it should be fun tomorrow with everyone there. Aiden will be here this weekend also. So that is a big double YEAH! To bad I lost my camera and won't be able to take any pictures unless I go got a disposable one. Or find the one I lost, which is beginning to seem like a lost cause. Well I just need to make it though this day and I will be good.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Senior Walk
We are getting down to the end. The end of high school. Acutally the twins are done, they had thier last day of acutal school two weeks ago. This past Tuesday was thier last day of having to go to the school for any activites. They had what is called "senior walk". This is when they pick up thier cap and gowns and they walk through the halls of the school for the last time, while in thier cap and gowns. I didn't do so well! I still get teared up when I think about it. The boys on the other hand thought it was great fun! I hope I can maintain while I am at the acutal graduation ceremony this Sunday. I doubt it.
Here is John, smiling away, you can see me in the bottom left, crying! LOL.
There they are together. Yea Josh thinks this is just awesome!
And then this one, I couldn't let go..........holding on and crying. Yea that's me. Someday I will get used to these two being grown up.......................just not yet.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It is hot out
Today we have gotten the heat back here in Michigan. And along with the heat comes the humidity. All day at work I thought about how hard it was going to be to run today. I knew I had to go to the track banquet tonight (which is held outside also) before I could run. I was really hoping that things would cool down enough for me to run outside. I got home from the banquet and put on my running clothes. I took off down the road in the direction that I knew had the dirt road and lots of trees so the sun wouldn't be as bad, and a little cooler on that foresty like road. As luck would have it, I realized that the dirt road was soaking wet. It had just been treated. I forget the chemical they put on it to keep the dust down but it is yucky. So I headed back home. Grabbed my car keys and went to the Y. I did my miles, all three of them, on the treadmill. It was even warm in there today but I did them!!! I am so proud of myself.
The dinner last night was great. Aleison is a wonderful little girl. She is in remission but she has to have maintenance chemo once a week for two years. Can you imagine? She will be 9 by the time she is done. She just turned 7. She loves Italian food so we went to a great Italian place. I had never been there before and I was impressed. Good food. I took lots of pics but I left my camera in my car so I will have to upload later. She is a little doll.
Tomorrow is the Red Wings CHAMPIONS parade, downtown. I have the day off tomorrow and the boys want to go so we just might do it. Crowds are horrible there and I get a little antsy in them so we will have to see how I feel about it in the morning. I will let you know if I go. Have a great night.
Please donate if you can
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
So much to do
80 graduation party invitations
50 graduation announcments
30 thank you for the donation cards from marathon.
Lots of stamps!
I got the rest of the thank you's and the invites out today. I stopped on the way home from work to get another roll of stamps. Yeah that is done!
Last night I had to run three miles on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill, it took me 45 minutes........15 minute miles, yeah I was not into it. Tonight I had to do two miles, the running Gods were smiling on me since the rain held off long enough and it only took 26 minutes. 13 minute miles, I was much happier.
Now we are on our way out to dinner. We are meeting with Aleison, she is the little girl with leukemia that was our honored hero for the marathon I did two weeks ago. It is her birthday so we are taking her out. Hopefully I will get some pics to share. Later I will tell you about our honored hero for the marthon I am training for now!
Another one
Hello everyone. I am so sore today, my feet hurt, my legs hurt, everything hurts! LOL! After training for the marathon and acutally running the marathon I thought I was good to go. But no that is not to be. The coach had me take a week off of running after the marathon. I started running again on Saturday. We did 4 miles on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Monday is our day off. (so are Fridays) yesterday was a 3 mile day. It was raining so hard after work I had to go to the Y to do the 3 miles on the treadmill. It is really hard to start running again after doing a marathon. After the last ones I had done I didn't run again for a long time, months actually. So this running again a week later is difficult. Sore muscles everywhere. I found it very interesting that when I finished the marathon my abs hurt! Why would my abs hurt??? I guess every muscle in your body gets a work out while running that far. Today is only 2 miles so I should be good! Back to 3 tomorrow and then off Friday. 6 on Saturday. Saturday's will be the long runs. I will keep everyone more updated during my training for this next marathon then I did in the last one. If I miss a training day I will say so in here so you can all give me an ear full so I will not want to miss it again!
The next marathon that I am doing is The Nike Women's marathon. It is October 19, 2008. I am also running this one for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I need to raise alot more for this one than I did the last one. This one I need to raise $3500!! That seems so scary! But I have faith, I will do it. I also want to finish this one in under 5 hours. That is going to take some work! That is why I can't miss workouts so I am going to make myself accountable! So if I miss you all yell at me? Deal?
If anyone would like to donate please do. I need all the help I can get. Here is the link to donate:
Monday, June 2, 2008
Jimmy had this on his journal and since I love my ipod so much and just wanted a chance to listen to it I decided to play along.
To use his words:
Put your IPod or MP3 on shuffle and list the first 8 songs that play.... tag 8 other people to do the same. If you don't have an IPod or MP3 then make shit up. You might think about moving into the 21st century by getting an IPod or MP3 player of some sort.
1. Why don't you and I? Santan
2. Bubbly . Colbie Caliet
3. Legs. ZZTop
4. My oh My. The Wreckers
5. Under your clothes. Shakira
6. It's raining men. The Weather Girls
7. Would I lie to you? Eurythmics
8. Its all for you. Janet Jackson
Now I don't want to put my ipod away...............probably won't go over so well at work so I have to put it away.
I am not going to tag anyone personally but if you want to play along please do so!!
I just love this picture ! It was made out of cherries! Sue made it when she was out with her Mom and Aunt and took a picture of it. I love it! I can't believe that is how far we ran!
This is the whole Michigan team that went to Traverse city to run the marathon. It was so much fun having a large team to run with. It kept you motivated as you were running to hear someone else going by yelling "GO TEAM" It really was alot of work to finish the marathon but it was so very rewarding to finish it! All the fund raising (which is by far the most difficult part of it!) and training is worth it!
Here is Sue and I finishing! Yes that is a beer in our hands! Sue ran the last 12 miles with it in her pocket! A man sitting outside his house along the course gave us each a beer and we shared one and she carried the other one so we could open it as we were finishing. She also dumped it over my head when we crossed. I didn;t know that was coming but, it felt good! I was so hot and tired. My hands, feet and face were all swollen and burnt! But like I said, worth it!
I have already signed up to run another one. This one is in October in San Francisco and to make it even better, I have gotten a friend (Brenda) to do it with me. I will be making new donation letters and I have a new web site! Why am I doing another one??? BECAUSE WE STILL DON'T HAVE A CURE!!!! I will continue on with my mission until a cure is found!