Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rush to deadline

Has anyone ever noticed how things can not get done for weeks and weeks but when a deadline comes up  it gets done as fast as can be?  That is what is going on here today.  We have been at the camper for most of the last two weeks.  We leave on vacation to Florida today.  I haven't done much at home so it looks like hell.  When I went to bed last night I had most of the house straightend up but that was it.  No packing done, lots of laundry still to do and sweeping and washing and vacuuming of floors were still to be done.  Well I woke up at 5am and started in on everything.  I have almost all the laundry done.  My packing is done except for the tolitries I will use after my shower today.  The floors are done and the house is shining.  Amazing what a deadline will do for you.  I feel like the tazmanian devil!!!  LOL.  My daughter won't even be here to pick me up till 1 and it is only 9am!!  I guess I will have to find a few more video clips of more concerts that Mark and I have been to!  I love having extra time to journal!


Anonymous said...

Have a good time and see ya when you return.  Take care.


Anonymous said...

I have missed you!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation!!