Today we have gotten the heat back here in Michigan. And along with the heat comes the humidity. All day at work I thought about how hard it was going to be to run today. I knew I had to go to the track banquet tonight (which is held outside also) before I could run. I was really hoping that things would cool down enough for me to run outside. I got home from the banquet and put on my running clothes. I took off down the road in the direction that I knew had the dirt road and lots of trees so the sun wouldn't be as bad, and a little cooler on that foresty like road. As luck would have it, I realized that the dirt road was soaking wet. It had just been treated. I forget the chemical they put on it to keep the dust down but it is yucky. So I headed back home. Grabbed my car keys and went to the Y. I did my miles, all three of them, on the treadmill. It was even warm in there today but I did them!!! I am so proud of myself.
The dinner last night was great. Aleison is a wonderful little girl. She is in remission but she has to have maintenance chemo once a week for two years. Can you imagine? She will be 9 by the time she is done. She just turned 7. She loves Italian food so we went to a great Italian place. I had never been there before and I was impressed. Good food. I took lots of pics but I left my camera in my car so I will have to upload later. She is a little doll.
Tomorrow is the Red Wings CHAMPIONS parade, downtown. I have the day off tomorrow and the boys want to go so we just might do it. Crowds are horrible there and I get a little antsy in them so we will have to see how I feel about it in the morning. I will let you know if I go. Have a great night.
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Oh I hope you go with the boys!! It will be a fun adventure with them before they go!
be well,
Aleison sounds like she is quite the trooper. No one should have to go through all of that let alone a little girl. Stay cool and have a good Friday.
WTG Linda for getting your run in tonight!!! what a trooper to do it on the treadmill in a hot gym!!
so glad the dinner went well for little Aleison; I bet she had a good time!!
how soon until your boys graduate?
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