Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cant think of a title

I don't know how many of you read my old journal before I deleted it, but in that journal I wrote about the day that I was baptized.  It was a wonderful day for me.  Before we were dipped in the water we were allowed to say something first if we wanted to.  All of my children were there with me that day. Only one of my children, on that day, had the same beliefs in Jesus Christ, that I did.  They did go to church with me and I prayed that they would understand the way that I had come to understand.  That was the only thing that I said that day.........that I hoped that my children would understand someday what it was that I believed.   I didn't want to be pushy and slam the things that I had come to believe down thier throats.  I had not gone to church when they were little so thier Mom going to church was a new thing to them.  I wanted the to explore and make thier own decisions.  Oddly enough, the only son who was interested in even exploring was my son, Robbie.  Robbie is gay and he had had experiences with "religion" that had left him feeling........not so warm, shall we say.  Robbie had many talks with our teaching minister.  He really was an awesome man.  The pastor of the church at the time refused to baptize Robbie because of Robbie "lifestyle" as he called it.  The teaching minister came to our house and baptized Robbie in our lake.  The teaching minister, and us, are no longer at that church. 
Well anyways back to the picture.  My youngest son, yes the youngest of the twins came home with this tatto.  I was surprised that he got one.  He had never shown much interest in one.  He has been involved with the  youth group of our church for awhile bit I wasn't sure where his beliefs were headed.  He went to a camp for a week in January and when he came home he told me it was "awesome".  OK, that sounds good, I was thinking.  The tatto is a cross (duh) with his favorite bible verse ( I didn't even know he had one) and the date 1-19-2008 is the date he accepted Christ into his life.  That would be while he was at that camp.  That would be why it was so awesome.  Ok Lord, two down, three to go....................Thank you Lord.  


Anonymous said...

that is one of my favorite verses!! what an awesome story and testimony, Linda!! the Lord is faithful; I bet those other 3 come around :)

that's a neat tattoo too!! I love the "be" part of it too; part of my thinking on the word "be" today; it is hard to define as a word isn't it? I liked your answer :)

that is such a cool tattoo!! (better than the one my son got on his back last year, LOL; he got "Cadillac" because he likes Cadillacs.

I think it was sad that that pastor wouldn't baptize Robbie; I'm so glad the teaching pastor did, though

I don't remember reading about your baptism in your first journal, but I do know baptisms are such life changing events; you wouldn't think they would be, but I remember when I got baptized on 03/31/2001; after that my relationship with the Lord really started to mature and deepen

I hope things are going okay with you and with your son; I pray for you both every day


Anonymous said...

That's a very nice story.  I can tell you are quite proud.  You are doing it the right way, letting them decide for themselves.  Have a good Thursday.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy that he has found his way :) and glad that you are happy with it too.  Hugz** Teresa

Anonymous said...

P.S.  I'm sorry I haven't been by but AOL apparently per  usual has being a butthead about alerts (at least in MY computer LOL).  I received this one and have been reading your past entries, I hope everything is ok now with your "problem" let me know if you need any more candles lit for the wee one's 'k?  Thank you so much for continuing to drop by my journal, I appreciate you so very much!  Hugz, Teresa

Anonymous said...

God and Jesus would accept Robbie with open arms... I know you know that.  I am happy you are happy.

be well,

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome! Happy for you and him both! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know when I stopped getting alerts for your journal, but was going through things and found the link. Please know I didn't stop reading intentionally. Praying for all of you and I hope you know I'm always here if you need to talk.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful testimony!  