Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I guess we are going to be traveling down a new road now.  AOL journals is closing.  So sad.  I have made so many friends here and I will miss them if they choose not to blog someplace else.  I hope you all do choose to continue blogging someplace else.  If you do please send me the link so I can continue to follow you.  Here is the link to my new one.



Anonymous said...

Linda; I haven't decided if I'm going to continue blogging; seems like a good time to get out of it and it has consumed so much tine these past few months; I'll pop in at your new place when I can; keep in touch for when you come out next year to the San Diego area :)

its been a pleasure to know you and follow your life :)


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I do want to continue but I will favorite place yours.  Take care.


Anonymous said...

I probably won't continue to blog! I can't figure out how to get alerts and or comments to other blog sites!



Anonymous said...

I've saved your new spot.  : )
