Sunday, October 28, 2007

On to the state finals

Well yesterday was certainly a very exciting day.  The regional races were held yesterday and let me tell you it was YUCKY outside.  It had been raining for the 24 hours and everything was a total mud hole.  I felt so bad for the boys and girls who had to run in that mess.  The picture I have here is not from yesterday but one from earlier in the year.  I will post some pictures of yesterday day when I get them on here.  There was alot of slipping and sliding going on I will tell you that much.  I had a hard time running around trying to cheer them all on, I can't imagine how difficult it must of been to race in it.  I thought that our team was going to make it to the state finals.  We finished fourth, top three go to states.  My son, Josh, finished 9th individually and the top 15 go to the state finals, so Josh will be heading to MIS next Saturday to run in the state finals!!!  It is so odd because his twin brother, John, made it to the state finals last year.  They finished almost exactly the same this year as they did last year but they reversed positions!!  Now they can't say that one of them is "oneup" on the other one!!!  They will both have competed in a state final for cross county!  I am very proud of my boys and I am very proud of the whole team.  They all ran great races!  Now I am off to clean up those uniforms!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Finally an update

There that is much better.  Josh, Kendall, Kaleigh and John.  That was right before they left for the homecoming dance.  They all looked so nice.  I am having such a hard time with senior year, for the last time!  I cry at the drop of a hat!  I guess since the twins are my babies it is feeling really final.  Its a good thing they still need thier mom as much as they do, or they at least pretend that they need me!!

Life has been so busy the last few weeks.  Lots of things have changed for me.  Good changes!!  I know that I had written a few times about the surgeries that I was having.  Well I had the first one on the 17th.  It went well.  They took some biopsys.  I got the results of those back yesterday.  They were able to tell what is wrong with me from that.  Which is a good thing because it means that I do not have to have the big surgery to remove adhesions because they are not what is causing me my problems.  I don't want to go into details about what they found but it isn't cancer so I was very thankful of that.  It is a disease that I will need to take care of for the rest of my life with diet and such but I can handle that.  I might even lose some of this extra weight that has seemed to pile on in the last five years.  That would be nice.  I will also have to have medication for some time, not sure how long, but that to I can handle.  So there was a little bit of bad news in there but I don't have to have the big surgery and for that I am grateful.  I am also grateful that we finally know the extent of the damage that that little bugger bacteria caused, which is good to know so it can be fixed.  So over all I am happy about the outcome of my health at this point. 

The really big news that I have that has be so happy is this.  I was offered a new position.  It is at a new hospital.  It is a significant raise in pay and it is closer to home.  The hospital is the University of Michigan Hospital.   I have wanted to work at this hospital for years.  It is such an awesome place.  Just huge.  I never thought that I would be able to work there since it was so far from my home.  But when I moved to Marks house when we got married I was much closer to it that I was to the hospital I have been at.  I have been at my current job for 22 years.  Yeah long time. But this new job is sooooooooo exciting to me.  I have been there twice to check it out.  They let me get scrubs on and go all over and check all the departments I would be working with out.  I was so excited about it all.  The job itself is going to be a huge challenge, which is probably the biggest reason I took the job,  I have been so bored with the routine of my current job that I really wanted something new.  I am so happy that I got this job.  I start on November 12.  My last day at my current job is November 7th.  I can't wait to start.

Other exciting news,,,,,,,,,,tomorrow is the big regional race for John and Josh.  It is going to be a good one.  This race determines who goes to the state finals.  Top 15 individuals go to state and the top three teams go.  I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying extra prayers in both catagories.  We have some excellent runners on our team.  I am hoping the team goes and some individuals.  I will let you know tomorrow.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

OOPs I messed that picture up.  I will have to fix it later.  I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive.  I will update sometime this weekend.  I have been really busy and I have some really awesome news.  The picture is from homecoming. 

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Night

Yep there is my Dale's car.  Nope he didn't win, but damn I love him anyways!! 
I have to tell you............we had the most awesome time.  I can't wait till next year to go back.  I always have such a great time with Linda when I see her.  It seems like forever in between.  We saw each other three times this year.  VERY RARE.  It is usually only once a year.  I miss her so much.  We have been friends since third grade.  I wish she would move back or we could move there.   Mark gets along so well with Linda's husband, Colin and of course there is no describing how Linda and I get alone.  She is "my person" !  For any of you that watch "Grey's" you will understand that!    But she is the person that has been a part of my life almost forever and I love her.  We have our birthday party at Talladega.  We exchanged gifts and we just plain had fun.  I will have to take a whole long entry to try to explain the fun that we had.  Mark and Colin sure put up with alot of silliness when thier wives revert to 12 year olds for the weekend!  LOL  I can't wait till next year.

Are we not the silliest looking girls??  Our hats are the same, they came from our bottles of coconut rum.  We found drinks online this year from  The one we liked the most was called, PB Breeze, it was awesome.  As if you can't tell from the way we look in the picture!!  We even had "the circle" going.  That means that only Linda and Linda can come into the area we are in.  I dont' think I can even explain that one.  Mark and Colin were a little confused too!
The race was awesome though.   I was a bit upset that Jeff won the race though.  He came from no where!!  GRRRR!!  I did remember Phil though while I was there and made sure to take a few pics for him.  We had some Tony fans camping next to us and I had to take a few pics for Phil to see what true Tony fans look like.  What do you think Phil???

Gotta love those race fans.
And then of course our seats were directly across from Tony's pit so I got a pic of his car for Phil.

The thrill of Nascar! 

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sometimes these things hit to close to home

Seek Love

Today's Scripture

“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16:7 NIV).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Is there someone in your life who has wronged or offended you? Maybe it was intentional, or maybe they don't even know they've hurt you. No matter what the circumstance, as believers, we are called to forgive. When we forgive, we seek love, and the Bible says that God is love. If we don't forgive, we are turning in the opposite direction--away from God. Choosing forgiveness doesn't excuse the other person's behavior. It simply releases the debt they owe you so that God can release the debt you owe Him. Forgiveness opens the door so that you can be free! I've heard it said that forgiveness is giving up hope for a better past. Choose today to let go of the past and look towards the future. Seek love by choosing forgiveness. And once you do, as the verse says, don't bring up the issue anymore. Move forward and let God be your vindicator. Remember, He promises to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for your good! Seek love today. Seek forgiveness and choose to step into the abundant future God has in store for you!