Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm so excited!!

I am so excited!  I got a phone call tonight from my girlfriend, Linda, that lives in Florida.  The one I went to the Nascar race with in Talladega a few weeks ago......well she called tonight.  Her and her husband are going to be coming to Michigan for my son's graduation party.  This is so exciting to me!  I don't see her that much and now this year I will be seeing her 3 times!  And there is more..............she has tickets for all of us to go to the Nascar race here in Michigan (MIS Speedway)!!!  Wow three visits with Linda this year and three Nascar races!  How much luckier can a girl be??  

I thought that today at work was going to be a little slow.  I guess I shouldn't make guesses before I go in because the day was so busy/crazy that I thought I was going to go a bit crazy.  I didn't, I managed to make it though the day.  I am not going to say what I think tomorrow might be like, it doesn't really matter though cuz it is Friday.  I will have the weekend off if I just make it though the day! 

Tomorrow night I am going to a jewlery party.  I have never been to one of these parties before.  I have been to a jewlery party just not one by this particular company.  I am looking forward to it.  Mark is working late but he is going to be coming to the party after he gets off work.  The men are having a party in the basement (where the big screen tv and the bar is) and the women will be upstairs. 

Mark and I are going out to eat with my boss on Saturday night.  Mark went over to her house and fixed something that was wrong with the hot water in her showers, it didn't work apparently.  I am not exactly sure what had happened but Mark was able to fix it and since he wouldn't take any money she said she was taking us out to eat.  My boss is one of my best friends so it isn't like it will be a wierd situation!  She just happens to be my boss.  We are going to one of my favorite places.  It is called Lucky's and they have the best steak in the world.  I am getting hungry just thinking about it!  Well it is time for bed.

Have a happy Friday!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It feels like it should be Friday tomorrow

I keep thinking that today is Thursday for some reason.  I get all happy thinking that tomorrow will be the end of the week and then I realize that it is only Wednesday.  Being that it was a short week to begin with I have no idea why I am thinking this way.  I guess I just want it to be over!!

I think we have finally got a total count on Marks parents 50th anniversary party.  There are going to be around 70 people here.  I finalized the menu with the caterer today and figured out what sides we are going to have with the pig.  I have never had a pig roast before but Mark and his brother insist that it is the best thing ever!   So we are doing a pig roast.  Those things sure are expensive.  $650 just for the pig and roaster!  Then it is more for all the sides!  After 50 years of marriage I think they deserve it though!  They are still so in love, I think it is great.

The weekend after that party is Jeremy's graduation party.  There are about 50 that are coming to that.  I am still not sure what we are going to have on t he menu at that but I am going to have to figure that out this weekend.  That is not going to be catered.  I am making the food for that so it ought to be less expensive but more work.  I am just glad that he finally graduated.  I didn't think  he was going to since he had Aiden and dropped out of school in his senior year but he went back in January of this year and finished up his diploma.  I was glad that he got his actual diploma and not his GED.  He wanted to get into the plumbers apprenticeship program and he needed his diploma and not his GED so that is what he did!!  Good kid!

Then it is Robbies graduation party on the th 7th of July.  Don't ask questions about that one yet cuz I haven't even done invites yet!!  I will figure it out soon.

I had a slower day at work today which I was happy for.  I got alot cleared on my desk.  Tomorrow looks slow too so I might just be able to finish that desk up yet!!

I had a dr. appt. this morning, everything is still good.  I have 8 days of antibiotics left and then we will see if it worked.  I hope so.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I am so tired tonight.  I stayed up way to late last night.  Mark and I started watching "Coach Carter" at 9:30 last night.  It lasted until way past bedtime!!  Both of us really liked the movie, that is why we wanted to stay up and finish it.  We are both paying for it today.

Work was so busy today.  Not only busy but very stressful.  I hate when we do not have enough equipment/instruments for the surgeries of the day!   I always manage to get things wrappend and sterilized before it is needed but it always seems to be such a race.  Well it doesn't seem to be, it is.  I am never going to get my paperwork done and new things ordered if I have to keep running around putting out fires.  The pile on my desk gets bigger each day and I don't even have time to sit at my desk!  Tomorrow looked like it was going to be slow when I left but.......I am not going to hold my breath.

Robbie got his offical papers from school today.  He is done and he is a graduate.  Now all that is left is the ceremony.  That will take place on the 10th of June.  I am so excited!  So is he. 

Well I am exhausted so it is off to bed with me.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Wonderful weekend

Here is Kristen and Aiden.  Aiden just loves Kristen and they usually don't get to spend much time together so they were both very happy that they were spending the night here on the same night!  We had alot of fun with him Saturday night.  He went to bed so good, no crying or fussing, just laid right down and went to sleep.  He slept till 9am!  I was up before him.  When I took him home to Daddy he was excited cuz he knew that he was going to be getting cotton candy!  It was so cute.

Today was the parade.  Robbie is a senior so it was his last offical marching band activity.  Yes I cried!  The parade was really nice.  The band played in the pavillion in the park after the parade. 

There he goes, with his big "soosa" for the last time!

After the parade!

We came home after the parade and had a little family picnic.  Well the kids had some friends over too so it wasn't all family.  We had an awesome time and the food was great.  It was so nice outside.  Today was by far the best day of the weekend. 

Robbie and his friends

There goes Manda and her friends off on the pontoon.

Up on the deck playing cards.

Out on the swim deck!

I hope you all had a great weekend also!  I wish I could have three day weekends more often.


Saturday, May 26, 2007


Well it has been raining for hours here.  It looks like Aiden and I will be spending the time indoors today.  I have to go pick him up a little bit later.  He is going to be spending the night with us.  I had hoped that we would be able to go swimming but it is not going to be warm enough and it is going to be raining all day.  Maybe tomorrow it will warm up enough and stop raining and we will get to go in the water for a bit.  He loves to swim.  I am not sure what time my son is going to want him back tomorrow.  Jeremy is taking him to the fair.  He ought to like that alot.  He loves cotton candy.  

I am going to be working on cleaning the house today since it is so ugly outside.  I ought to get alot done.  (at least I am hoping so)  A quiet day watching movies sounds like alot of fun to.  I have two here to watch.  Coach Carter and The Devil wears Prada.  I watched The 40 year old virgin last night.  It was pretty funny. I guess I am going to have to sit down and have a cup of coffee and decide what it is I am going to do today!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

I made it!

We are home from camping.  What an awesome time we had!  This picture is of Aiden.  He is walking along the path back to the camper.  Aiden LOVED camping!  Last year he didn't do so well.  He kept wanting to run all over the place and he scared me cuz there are fire pits all over.  This year he listened and he didn't run away.  He wanted to go explore but he wanted to explore with us.  He was so good!  We will be going again next week sometime, I think Thursday and we will be keeping the camper there for two weeks this time.   We want to have it onsite there and not home in the drive way for the two big parties we are having.  There will be to many cars here to keep the camper in the driveway also.  We will be going to the camper each night though to stay the night.  We go to work from there. 

I did return to work this week.  All my tests came back normal again.  We have been though this before though.  Every time they take me off the antibiotics I get sick again.  I still have 12 days left of antibiotics.  We will see what happens when they take me off them this time.  If it comes back again I am not sure what they will do.  I do know that a hospital stay will most likely be required. so I am keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that this dose does the trick.  They have me on the strongest antibiotic that you can take by mouth at the largest dose you can take so if it doesn't work, I am in trouble!

Look at this childs's face??? Is he not the cutest? Well I think so but then again I am  his "bama"  (that is what he calls me!).  Everytime we went for a walk at the campground he had to pick a flower for me!

I guess that I had better get off here and get ready to go.  Mark and I are going out to eat and then we are meeting his brother.  His brother is going to go look at a camper that is for sale at the campgroud.  They both love camping and now that we have a camper, his brother wants one to so we can all go together.  I think that will be alot of fun.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Sorry I haven't written over the weekend but.............we put the camper on site!!!  I was so excited when my brother in law called to tell me that he had come and got the truck and put the camper on site.  Mark was so happy that his brother did this for him while he was gone up north with thier dad.  We stayed there last night and we will be staying there tonight and monday night also.  We will bring it home on Tuesday night for a week and then we will go for two weeks after Memorial Day!!  Right now we are just trying to get it stocked with all the stuff we need and cleaning it up.  Aiden came and stayed with us last night.  They just left for home a little bit ago.  I took lots of pictures of him and I will post some later when I get a chance!

Thank you Teri Ann for my graphic!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Good Day

Today I got all the laundry done!  I am totally amazed.  The boys just need to put it all away.  I also got the floors in the kitchen, dining room and entry way cleaned today.  So I am feeling pretty good about the way the house looks finally! 

I did sit down around 3 and put in a movie (from netflix, I think I really am going to like this service)  it was "The Lakehouse" with Sandra Bullock.  I really like her.  She is very pretty.  The movie was very different than I had thought it was going to be but I did like it. 

Did anyone watch the season finale of Gray's Anatomy last night?  I was so dissappointed in the way it ended.  None of the story lines ended the way I thought (or wanted) they would.  The only good part of the whole thing was that the Chief and his wife seem like they are going to be back together. 

Tonight we are going out wih my brother in law for a little while.  We are going to a bar that is in the campground where we camp.  It is alot of fun there and the prices are really good!  Mark is leaving to take his father up north in the morning.  He has a cabin that needs to be opened up and Mark is going to help him.  I am not certain if they are going to end up staying the night or not.  His father doesn't want to but Mark thinks they should stay the night.  It is a long drive, but if his father wants to come home I am sure they will be coming home! 

Well I need to go get ready to go out.  Have a great day.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mothers Day

The kids are all sitting on my Mother's Day present.  It is a table/bar with four swivel chairs.  I wanted this so bad!  We sat outside and had dinner here on Tuesday before the storms rolled though.  They acutally bought it about a month ago becuase it was on sale and it was the one that I wanted.  I love it!  Thank you for getting it for me! 

I went to the hospital today and had the tests done.  I have to wait till tomorrow to see how they all turned out.  I am hoping they are all good and I can get on with my life now!  Thank you for all the emails and comments!   I really do appreciate your concern.  I will let you know when I find something out. 

Good morning

Well I am up and have had my coffee and shower and am ready to go to the dr's to find out what is new with this mess of an immune system this week.  Hopefully everything is back to normal and I can resume my normal life!  Acutally my life has been normal except for not being able to work!

The picture is of my grandson Aiden and my son Jeremy.  I just love these two!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I want to camp!

Yesterday was so nice out, actually it has been really nice and warm out since last week,  until last night.  It started storming around 7 and never quit!  Today it is much cooler, 64 compared to the 80 that it was yesterday.  We were even able to eat dinner out on the deck last night before the storms came though.

I was getting to the point where I was ready to hook up the camper and go camping.  I love going camping!  We went and opened it up this weekend.  Everything looks great with it.  Mark is in full "camp" mode.  We were going to hook it up Friday and camp for the next week but now it looks like the weather is not going to cooperate.  You can bet that we will be going as soon as it warms up though.  We are all ready for camping season.  Mark's brother was even helping us open it and getting ready to cut wood for the campfires.  It really turns into a family thing when we get the camper on the site.  Everyone comes to visit and it alot of fun.  I guess I am going to have to wait for a few more days........

Tomorrow I go back to the dr. for another round of testing.  I hope that I will be cleared to go back to work.  I feel bad having had so much time off but there is nothing I can do about it.  It is the hospital's rule so I have to follow.  Feeling good and not working is a little odd.  I am usually only off work for being sick or vacation and my vacations don't usually last two months (well they never last that long! )  So I am hoping to go back soon. 

Tomorrow I am hoping to get some pictures on here from our anniversary trip.  Mark and I went to Mexico in February for our anniversary.  It was a great trip.  We are going to go back next year but we are going to take the kids with us on that trip.  That is going to be a fun trip.  We will be taking our kids (6) and four of the six will have someone with them and Mark and I.  That will be 12 of us traveling together!  I am so looking forward to that trip.  Having all my kids and some extra on vacation with me in that awesome place is going to be heaven.  I do love when Mark and Igo alone (we need our alone time sometimes) but I am really looking forward to this trip.

Well that's all for now.  Have a great day.