Saturday, June 30, 2007


I forgot to answer the question that Jimmy posted in his journal.  You can find the link Jimmy on my side bar.

The question is "what is the nicest compliment you have ever been paid"

My answer to this question is "you are the best mom in the world" 


Yes I am still at home........Mark had to work today so we didn't stay the night at the camper.  Mark and I went out there last night and got everything all ready and we sat around for a few hours.  We went for a walk and checked things out, as far as what is going on around the campground this weekend and checked out other peoples campers.  Some of the campers at this campground are on permanent lots.  They have some really nice campers and lots set up.  They are just like little summer cottages!  But since the campground is about 30 miles farther from work than our house is we came home so Mark would not have to get up to early to go to work.  We get up at 4:30am for work as it is!  I guess I won't be off the computer for as much as I thought I would be!  I will be making a trip home everyday for different reasons.  The boys all have to work and tomorrow I have to run the resource table at church.  I forgot to take the day off so I will have to come in for that.  At least I don't have to go to work at the hospital or the resort untill Thursday.  That is the biggest thing........having time off from work.

I still haven't figured out why I am up so early.  I ususally sleep a little later than I did. I was up at 7.  I guess that is acutally sleeping in when you consider how early I usually get up!  I guess I should get off here and get some things done around here though!  Have a great day.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I just love this tag!  A new tagger made it for me and I love it.  I will post a link to her site on my sidebar so you can all enjoy her work.

My week has been so busy.  I wish I was able to post more and keep you all update a little more often but it just doesn't seem to happen, unless I have days off.  Which is what happened tonight.  I didn't have to work at the resort tonight since it was storming.  They gave us all the night off so I am able to make a post!  YEAH!

My BIL gave me a disc with LOTS of pictures on it from Jeremy's graduation party.  I wanted to post some of these awesome pictures of Aiden on the slip and slide and I can't figure out how to put the pictures from the disc onto my computer!  That makes me so mad!  I will have to scan the ones that he printed out for me so you can see a few of them.  They are great.  Aiden had so much fun on that slip n slide. 

I am not going to be able to see him this weekend since his mom has a family reunion to go to.  Jeremy will be getting him Friday night and staying at Manda's till Saturday early afternoon and then he will be taking him  home.  I am going to pick him up on Sunday night though.  He is going to stay with me Sunday night and Monday night.  I am off work for 5 days!!  I can't wait.  I need the time off and we are going to go camping at a new campground that we have not been to before.  I am looking forward to that.  Aiden will love it.  They have all kinds of things for little ones.  He loves to swim and they have a lake there also.  Five days of sleeping in is going to seem like Heaven. 

We went to my nephews graduation party Saturday.  We had a really good time.  My sister from Florida was there so I was happy to see her.  We are going to be seeing alot more of her this summer than we are used to since we have so many family functions this summer.  That is a good thing.  Maybe we should plan all these things every year so she will have to come home more often.  I hate not seeing her even more so now that my older sister passed away last summer.  It will be a year in July.  Time flyes by so quickly. 

Tonight I went for a little spin on  my yacht (my paddle boat LOL) and it was awesome.  There were no other people or boats out on the lake so I had it all to myself.  Got in a good leg workout.  I wish I was able to get out on that thing more often.  It really does work your legs when you are out there by yourself.

Mark is getting the camper ready to leave.  He will be taking the camper to the new campground tomorrow night.  His brother is going to help him.  I have to get all the food and things ready to go tomorrow night and then Friday when we get home we will pack it all up and head to the camper.  I will not be near a computer for those five days so I hope you all don't miss me to much!  I will be having a good time though.

Next weekend (the 7th) is Robbie's graduation party. ( Lenise you should come to this)   I am excited that this is the last party that I will have to host this summer!  We still have more that we have to attend but it will be the last one that we have to have here.  Although Manda wants to have her bday party here again this  year.  That shouldn't be big on me though.   They are old enough to do it themselves.  I could go camping that weekend~ I think that would make my daugther mad if I wasn't here.

Well I guess I should get myself ready to go to bed.  I really need to get myself some more rest these days.  I went to bed at 8 last night and slept though the night without waking up.  That much sleep in one night tells me I need to get an extra hour a night.  At least a half hour earlier would be good to!  Night night!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Your senior year of high school

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Name of your homeroom teacher.  Mr. Thibodeau (that's kinda funny now that I think about it, only Lenise will get this!)

2.What sports or clubs did you participate in? Cross country and track

3. What kind of car did you drive? I didn't get my license till after I graduated.  (can you belive that??)

4. It's Friday night, where were you? Either with Susan or Mark at a high school sporting event or the movies.

5. Were you a party animal? Not at all

6. Were you considered a flirt? Yes

7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir. No

8. Were you a nerd? No

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? No!

10. Can you sing the fight song?  I don't think I can anymore but I could then

11. Who was your favorite teacher? Mrs. Whipple, my spanish teacher

12. Did you cut on Senior cut day?  Yes

13. School mascot? Viking

14. Did you go to Prom? Yes.

15. If you could go back and do it over, would you? NOOOOO

16. What do you remember most about graduation? My grandma being there.

17. What did you do on senior cut day? Went to stony beach.

18. Did you have a job your senior year?  Yes, I worked at Burger King

19. Where did you go most often for lunch? Taco Bell

20. Have you gained weight since then? LOL about a ton.  But I was smaller than I was in high school for many years.  It has only been in the last 5 years that i have gained this weight.

21. What did you do after graduation? Worked at Beaumont, then got married and had kids.........still have the kids and still work at beaumont

22. When did you graduate? 1981

23. Who was your Senior prom date? John, my boyfriend at the time

24. Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion? No. 

25. Was your prom held at the school or in a hall? It was at a county club.  My b/f's parents belonged to it and he was old enough to drink so he spent most of his time across the hall at the bar and not with me.  IDIOT!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Wow I can't believe that after this entry I am going to be caught up with catching you up!  I feel like I have accomplished something huge! 

The race was totally awesome!  There are so many people there though that it is kinda crazy.  I do have to say that I was impressed with how quickly we got in and out of there.  I thought we would be sitting for hours to get out but that was not the case at all.  In fact there was never a point when we were just sitting, they kept the traffic moving along, yes it was much slower than you would normally go but it was going!

The biggest down fall of the day was the heat!  It was so amazingly hot in those stands that you couldn't sit up there for more than 20 or 30 laps without going under the stands to get out of the sun for a few minutes.  I really wanted to watch as much as possible though.  I LOVE hearing them pass by.  The cars are really close at MIS and you they are loud!  That is my favorite part!  Oh  yea that and the crashes!  We didn't have any accidents in front of us but we did have one spin out right in front of us.  Ours seats were just down from where they enter into pit row.  We had a great view of the start finish line. 

When we got there we were all sitting out in the parking field and having a tailgate party, eating and talking.  It was to early to start drinking beer, at least for me, but there were some that were drinking by 10am.  I never did drink that day except for water and gatorade. It was just to hot.  But we all put $20 bucks in the pot and we each got to pick drivers out of a hat.  Most of us got 5 drivers but there were two people that only had four.  I was one of the ones that only got four.  But I had Martin Truex so I won 2nd place!  Mark had Carl Edwards so he had first place.  Mark and I took home all the cash that day!  It was over $200 combined.  We are going to have to go out and celebrate but not sure what we are going to do yet to celebrate!  Yippe for us!  Here are a few pics of the day.

here they go!

Hello DALE!!!!!  I love Dale!!

This is so awesome when the jets fly over!!

Mark and Colin before the race in the parking field.  As you can see they were part of the group that started early!


Well I feel better now that I am all caught up.  We are staying at the camper for the next two nights but I will be able to be here during the day so I just might be able to stay caught up for a few days, at least until they let me go back to work! 

Jeremy's graduation Party

Well I went to the hospital lab this morning and had all the tests done first thing so that I will have the results back later this afternoon.  (I hope)  I really don't want to be off work again but here I sit again.  I have been battling this thing for 3 months now and I get it back with in seven to ten days of being taken off of antibiotics.  The last dose was a month's worth, taken four times a day!!  Now here we are 8 days after being off that dose and all the symptoms are back much more can a person take with out going crazy!  I have no clue what the treatment is going to be this time if it is back again.

Well on to better things.....and getting you updated on all the things that have been going on around here.  I only have two days left to tell you about, Jeremy's party and the Nascar race with my girlfriend from Florida.  This entry is going to be about the party.

The party ended up turning out very nice.  Jeremy got quite a bit of money and he was very happy about that.  I think he got a bit more than he thought he was going to so he was acutally more than happy.  There were alot of people here to congratulate him and they were able to eat lots of food, since we had tons of food here to feed them!  Here are some pictures of the day.

Amanda, Glenn (manda and jeremy's dad)  Glenns mom (she is 89!) and Jeremy

Aiden taking a bite out of Daddy's cake before we could cut it!  Guess we just were not fast enough for him.

Me, my brother (maroon shirt) Linda (from florida) and Linda's brother Jamie.

Suzanne (one of best friends) Jeremy and Suzannes g/f Jen.

It really was  a great day.  I was able to enjoy the day and mingle with everyone.  Jermey really enjoyed himself also, which made me really happy since he deserved to have a good day. 

Me, Linda and Amanda have made a deal with each other that we are all going to lose the weight we have gained by the October Talladega race.  We each have different amounts that we have to lose, I have 35 pounds that I have to lose by then!  EEEKKK!  Wish me luck!


Monday, June 18, 2007

Yep another entry....last day of school

This particular party was the best for me since I didn't have to do anything for it except be here to make sure the kids behaved themselves.  Friday was the last day of school for the high school. John and Josh had asked if they could have a party here for it.  I told them could but that I wasn't going to be doing anything for it since I had so much going on already.  They were fine with that.  They went and got all the food for it and paid for it all themselves.  I did pay for the three more cases of pop when the 3 they had purchased were gone and the kids were still here and still thirsy, but John went and picked it up.  I just gave him the money for it.  There were alot of kids here and they all had a really good time.  My neighbor came over and said that if how I raised my kids was any reflection on how well behaved all the kids at my house were then I did a great job of raising them!  I thought that was very nice but it is also a reflection of how well the parents of my kids friends raised them also.  Here are a few pics of that day!


Robbies graduation day

Robbies graduation was a big production.  Jeremy's class only had like 80 people in it but Robbies had over 400.  Jeremy and Robbie did not graduate from the same school because we moved and Jeremy went back to school at the high school that he had orginally attended.  Robbie moved out here with my husband, who at the time was my boyfriend,  when he started 9th grade.  I didn't want him to have to change high schools once he had started.  School was hard enough for Robbie without having to do that.  I stayed living in my home till December (Christmas Eve of 2003 to be exact)  My home had not sold yet and I wanted John and Josh to be able to finish jr. high where they had started it.  It turned out that I moved sooner than intened and we all moved here December 24, 2003.  I drove John  and Josh back from January till June.  I worked near their old school (still do) so it wasn't a  horrible thing but having to wait after work for 2 to 3 hours so they could practice or participate in games and they drive home made for a really long day for all of us.  Thank goodness it only lasted 5 months.  John and Josh started high school here and they will graduate from here also.

Robbie always struggled with school.  He has never been athletic like the twins but he really enjoyed band and drama.  It was like pulling teeth to get him to graduate.  I was so happy to see him finally walk across that stage!  I think a big sigh of relief was given by all who struggled with him and I am sure the biggest sigh came from Robbie himself!!

Huge class!

Look Mom I did it!!!

Mark and Robbie.

Me and Robbie.

I am so proud of this boy!  It was a great struggle for him but he did it!


50th anniversary party

Mark's parents 50th anniversary was the biggest party that I had to arrange.  There were alot of people here that I really didn't know since they were friends of my inlaws that I had never met.  But I met them all at this party!  The party was a huge success.  This past Saturday (June 16th) was acutally thier 51st wedding anniversary.  We had thier party on June 9.  We didn't plan anything last year when it was acutally thier 50th cuz we knew that they would not come.   Mark's mom was adament that she did not want anything done for thier anniversary.  I am so glad that they were not upset.  We got them here by telling them it was Kristen's bday party.  We did celebrate that also since the family had not celebrated it yet, just Kristen and her friends.  We had a pig roast and had lots of different sides to go with it.  We had the event catered.  It was very enjoyable.  I did get a little bit to tipsy at this event was fun. 

The food area.

The bar area

The pig.

Dad getting his corsage pinned on. 

Mom and my SIL Patty. 

Mom and Dad at the "head table"  We even clicked glasses and made them kiss when ever we did it!  It was great!

Look at all those hungry people!

It was really a good day.  Mom and Dad had a great time!


Kristen's Bday party

Kristen turned 12 this year.  Such an odd age, not quite a teen but not a little kid anymore.  Wanting to be "grown up" but still wanting to be "the little girl"  You can defintly see that in Kristen.  When she is with her friends she wants to be grown up but with her parents she still wants to be the little girl!  Don't rush things Kristen.............your perfect just the way you are. 

Kristen had 4 of her friends stay the night for a slumber party.  They had a great time.  The hot tub was the favorite thing of the night I think.  They actually all went to bed fairly early, which surprised me!  But they did get up early on Saturday morning.  I made them scrambled eggs for breakfast but I think they liked the donuts better!  Here are a few pics from the evening.

Blowing out the candles.

Opening presents.


Most of the pictures that were taken were taken with the new camera phone that Kristen got from us for her bday.  I have no idea how to transfer pics from the camera to the computer so these few that I took with my camera will have to do!  I constantly hear the click of her camera phone going off now!  She has pictures of everything in our house I think.  Kinda funny!


Finally some time........Jeremy's graduation day

Well I finally have a little bit of time to be able to sit down and play on the computer and update on all that has been going on.  It has been very eventfull and lots of fun but it has taken it's toll on my body.  I now have a full blown chest/head cold on my hands and I am quite sure that the virus that I have been fighting for three months and taken four treatments of for antibiotics is back.  I am very sad about this cuz I am not sure what the next step is going to be treatment wise.  I am waiting for a call back from my dr. to find out what we are going to do next.  I am a little nervous to say the least. 

I wanted to share a few more photos of all the things that have been going on here in the last few weeks and tell you a little more about each.  We'll start with the first, Jeremy's graduation.

This is Mark and I at Jeremy's graduation.  This was at dinner.

This is Jeremy picking up his diploma.  The diploma isn't acutally in the little booklet they had them on stage so  they have to pick them up after the ceremony is over.

Here is my  boy with his diploma.  I am so proud of him.

Manda, Jeremy and  thier Dad.  They are so proud of him also.

Well that is all of have of Jeremy's graduation day.  The next entry will Kristen's bday party.




Thursday, June 14, 2007

To busy!

I can't believe how busy the past week or two has been for me.  We have been staying at the camper since Monday so I have had no time to update my journal.  Only enough time to get through reading others and commenting.  I am going to attempt to throw a few pics on  this entry though.

Kristens birthday party was awesome.  She had five girls stay the night.  They behaved so well.  Mark and I were busy getting everything ready for the surprise 50th anniversary party for his parents that was taking place the next day but we managed to get it all done and spend some time with all the girls too!  The 50th was awesome though.  They were so surprised and happy.

Robbie graduated the next day.  There were 400 kids in his graduating class and it took forever to get though them all!  I was very proud of him though! 

Tomorrow my girlfriend from Florida arrives!!  I am so excited.  I am only working half a day!  Jeremy's graduation party is Saturday and Mark and I and Linda and her husband Colin are going to MIS for the Nascar race on Sunday!  I am so excited to see Linda again.  Acutally Saturday is going to be awesome cuz all of my bestest friends are going to be here (minus one but I hope that one day she will come visit) Heidi, Suzanne, Linda and me will all be together.  AWESOME>

A picture of the wedding with them now.

Jeremy, Robbie and Manda at Robbies graduation!

Sorry I gotta go now, I will put in more pics later!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Lots going on

Here is a picture of me and my graduate!  He looks kinda silly in this pic though!

Here is a picture of him and his father! 

Here is a picture of the man that made Jeremy want to finish all of this!  That is Mark (my husband)  He gave Jeremy the encouragement to go for it and to let him know that he would help him. 

I want to say something here in my journal that I feel needs to be said.  I fear that I may have offeneded some people with my reference to the fact that Jermey went back to school and got his diploma versus his GED.  I do not feel that the actual diploma is better than the GED.  I am impressed with anyone who goes back to complete their education in any way possible.    The only reason that Jeremy decided to do get his diploma and not the GED is because of union specifications.  He needed his diploma.  I was not proud of the fact that he got his diploma just for the sake of getting his diploma, I was proud that he put in the extra hours to get the diploma so he could go on to what he wanted to go on to (plumbers apprenticeship)  I did not write what I wrote to offend you.  I wrote it as a matter of stating what was needed to be done in my son's case.  The "jealous" tag did not have anything to do with anyone who knew Jeremy in only a "acquaintance" type of way.  It was directed at people who knew Jeremy very well and told me to my face that he would never amount to anything, not just my face but to Jeremy's face as well.  If you have no idea where Jeremy works, w here he lives, who his girlfriend his, or any personal matters of his life (aside from what I reveal in this journal) right now then I was not referring to you.  If you haven't seen him in over a year, I was not referring to you!!  I am sorry if I offened you.  It was not my intention. 

Kristen has 5 of her friends here tonight for a slumber party for her birthday.  Tomorrow is the big party for my inlaws.  The pig will be delivered around 9 and the other food will come around 1.  Myinlaws will arrive around 3 and they have no clue this is going on.  "They thing they are coming for Kristen's party.  There will be close to 75 people here so I think once they pull up they will know something is going on!  I will post pictures sometime on sunday if I get the chance to do so.  Robbie's graduation ceremony is at 1 on sunday at compuware areana.  So the whole weekend is hugely busy.

Well time to go!  Again sorry if you thought I was saying something bad about you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

He did it!!!

We are home and he is a "graduate"  I told myself I wasn't going to cry but I did!  It was so funny cuz Aiden was there to see his daddy graduate.  Aiden kept waving to his Dad up on stage and when he walked up Aiden yelled "love you Dad" of course the way Aiden says it it sounds like  oob you dad!!  It was so cute.  I will post some pictures tomorrow when I have time to upload them! 

My tag is from Donna again.  It is so appropriate for all those who thought that Jeremy would never do this!  Sometimes things work themselves out for the better even if we mess it up along the way.

Tonight is graduation!

I am off work today!  I got to sleep in today and it was wonderful.  Aiden spent the night with my husband and I.  His mother is in Florida.  Manda will be taking him tonight to spend the night at her house.  He loves to spend time with his Auntie Danda!  Speaking of Manda, she is all moved in and loves having her own place.  I will be seeing her in just a few hours since we are all going to Jeremy's graduation together. 

Mark and I are going to a dinner that is before the graduation ceremony.  Everyone else will be coming to just the ceremony.  I am so proud of this boy for going back to school and finishing his high school education.  He actually went back and got the diploma and not just his GED.  He will be graduating with the 2007 HP High School graduates.  I was heart broken when he dropped out of school his senior year so that he could work full time to take care of his son.  I think he realized fairly quickly that not having that diploma was a bad thing.  Now he is going to be able to get into the plumbers apprenticeship program with my husband!  He is very proud of himself for finishing this up.  I will post pictures tomorrow.

I took Robbie today to apply for a car loan.  He was approved for the loan and is very excited about looking for a car.  Of course the first vechicle he saw was the one he wanted but I wouldn't let him do that.  He needs to look around a bit before he decides.  He will be using some of his graduation money as a down payment.  He has his graduation party on the 7th of July.  Jeremy's is the 16th of June.  Robbie will be starting college in the fall at LCC. 

Well Aiden is ready to take his nap and I need to start getting some more laundry done and then get ready for the graduation. 

Have a great day.

Thank you Donna for this awesome tag!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Summer Survery


Pool OR Jacuzzi : Jacuzzi
Ocean OR Pool : Ocean
Ice cream OR popsicles : ice cream
Lemonade OR iced tea : Iced Tea
Tennis shoes OR flip flops: flip flops
Fans OR Air conditioning : Air conditioning
Sprinklers OR slip n slide : Slip n slide
Water Balloon fight OR Water gun fight : Water gun

Y O U R F A V O R I T E S U M M E R . . .

Drink : Bud Lite
Food : watermelon
Song : Lots of them, mostly 80's stuff
Hang out : In the backyard on the boat
Camp: Every chance I get
Holiday : 4th of July
Vacation: Camping somewhere

L A S T S U M M E R :

Where did you go :  Cedar Point
Who did you hang with? My husband and my kids
Did you do anything illegal : No
Did you go to a concert? Yes many
What was your best memory : Watching fire works on the boat

T H I S S U M M E R :

Where are you going : Not sure where yet but we are going camping somewhere
Name five things you're most looking forward to this summer :

1.      Mark's parents 50th party

2. Jeremy's commencement

3.Jeremy's party

4. Robbie's commencement

5. Robbie's party

That was fun!!  Thanks Dawn.

Rainy Sunday


Yesterday was one of those perfect days for me. I worked at the resort in the morning.  I got a call from one of my girlfriends around noon and she asked if it would be ok for her and another one of our friends to come out for the afternoon.  I love having company over so I was saying yes before she even got all the plans out of her mouth!!

I left work around 3 and raced home to beat them there.  Mark had been home working on the garage and fixing the boys car.  The garage is really starting to look clean.  Manda (my daughter) moved out on Friday into her own house and she took all her stuff.  So it was the perfect time to clean it out for Mark.  It looks great now.  I might even be able to keep the truck in there now!  When I got home the clouds were just starting to come in!  I was so sad to see them, but they only stayed a few minutes.  We got some good rain and thunder and lightening but it was here and gone!  By the time they got here it was sunny out again. 

We ended up going out on the pontoon and out on the speed boat to do some tubing.  My girlfriends son won the award for the day for staying on the tube the longest.  I wish that I had had a video camera with me to show how funny his ride was.  At one point the tube was acutally flipped over but when it flipped back the correct way he was still hanging on!!  It was  hilarious.  Then my boys came home with some of thier friends and they all went tubing too.  Then they had a huge game of basketball going in the driveway.  It was such a nice day!!  I got nothing accomplished around the house, but today I am going to have to take care of that. 

We went to church this morning but I didn't get to see the service since Aiden was with us and I went into the two year old room with him.  We learned about Jonah and the whale today.  Aiden thought that story was great.  Jeremy and Aiden went over to my BIL's house to cut down a tree.   I am going to get started on the cleaning.  We didnt go out to eat last night with my boss, it was changed to tonight so I only have till 5 to clean.  I better get going on that!!