Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I get to relax some

Well I did get to do a little bit of relaxing over the weekend.  Spent Friday evening in the hot tub which was really nice.  Mark and I haven't been able to go in it in quite awhile since it has been so hot.  It cooled down nicely around here though.  We had lots of rain over the weekend, which we needed very badly.  The water level in the lake was so low, I don't think I have ever seen it that low.  I went to bed early Friday night and slept till 9am on Saturday morning.

We went shopping for clothes for John and Josh's senior pictures, which are tomorrow.  I am so excited to get their pictures done.  My babies..............seniors!!  Wow.  They sure did look nice in the clothes they picked out.   They look very grown up and handsome in the suits.  They picked out the same color suits (black) but they finally decided on different shirts and ties.   I really didn't want them to be exactly the same for thier pictures!  I have the day off tomorrow to take them to get thier pictures done.  They are doing inside and outside shots so the session will probably last close to three hours.  I wonder if they will be able to handle having thier pictures taken for that long?  I will let ya know how they did with that one.

Sunday we went to Campers World and to Cabella's.  Mark has been wanting to take me to Cabella's for years and we finally went.  It was a amazing.  It is a store dedicated to outside activiteis.........hunting, camping, boating....  we bought a new tube for the boat.  I can't wait to try it out.  It is a two seater!  Should be a blast.  The store was wild though.  They have so many animals that have been stuffed there, ones that are real.  I took picutes inside the store of them.  I will post them on here tomorrow.  They even had an elephant.   We also bought a few little signs to hang inside the camper.  One says " an old moose and the one he makes moosic with lives here!!  The other one says "we are happy campers"  I just loved them and had to get them.  We also bought a set of dishes for the camper, they have mooses on them also.  Can you tell my husband loves moose??  LOL

I have to work at the MIchigan State Fair tonight for Waldonwoods, acutally have to work there for the next 10 days.  I guess I am going to be one tired girl when the fair ends.  I like working the fairs though.  I ususally only work three nights a week for three hours at Waldonwoods but I love doing the fair stuff so I am going to work each night and on the weekends during the day.  You can make alot of money at the fairs, that must be why I like it!  Gotta pay for those Talladega tickets that I got Mark for his birthday!  Well time to get going!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Time to relax

Hello!  I am so happy that it is Friday and I have the day off.  It has been a busy week.   John and Josh had cross country camp this week.  They just got home this morning.  I made swedish meatballs for dinner for all of them last night.  There are tons left over so  I guess we will be having those one night this weekend!!  The boys loved them.  I made them for them last year also and they were a request for this year.  I went there this morning to help them all clean up the lodge and make sure it was back to it's normal way of looking before they left.  They actually did a great job of cleaning up after themselves this year compared to last year.  I was proud of all of them!  John and Josh are VERY tired though, as are all the boys from the team.  Coach runs their butts off at this camp.  They are very happy to have the weekend off of running. 

I had my dr.'s appointment on Thursday.  It went very well.  The infection is still in my stomach so they can't do the surgery yet.  I  have to have another ultrasound done on September 14 to see if the fluid is still built up in my abdomen.  I am still hoping that all this is being caused by the infection and not the scar tissue (which is also called adhesions)  If the fluid is being caused by the infection, then I don't have to have surgery, if it is caused by the adhesions then I will have to have surgery to remove them.  It would be a pretty big surgery and it would mean cutting me open.  When I had my right ovary removed it was a difficult surgery to do because of all the scar tissue (adhesions) and my OB dr. had to call in a general surgeon to remove the scar tissue from my bowel because it was attaching my ovary and my bowel.  I know it all sounds so complicated.  The biggest problem that they are having right now is in determining weather the fluid build up and the pain is from the infection I contracted at work or from scar tissue.  Neither surgeon (OB or Gen) wants to go in unless they are certain it is from scar tissue.  So they are doing everything possible to rule out side effects from lingering infection as the cause.  Which I am thankful for since I do not wantto have surgery at all but if it needs to be done then it needs to be done. 

I have no plans for this weekend.  I am just having a relaxing weekend.  I am hoping to get all the laundry done and finishing my book that I started awhile ago.  I usually finish books quickly but I have had no time to do any reading.  At night when I get into bed I just fall asleep!  So I am looking forward to the weekend.  The boys will probably sleep it away since they worked so hard at camp all week. 

Robbie is on vacation this week in Connicut and New York. He went to see Rent last night and he was very excited about it.  He loves that movie and we looking forward to seeing it live.  He saw Wicked live last time he went to New York with the high school band.  I am waiting on his call to find out how he liked it.  I am hoping that he will be able to come home soon to visit me.  I guess I shouldn't say come home, since his home is in Holland Michigan now and not here!  Either way  I want to see him soon.  I miss him.

I hope you all have a marvelous weekend.  I am sure I will be updating over the weekend since I am home and doing not much

Saturday, August 11, 2007

1   What's your favorite movie???

Probably my favorite is "Terms of Endearment"

2    What's your favorite color???

Light blue

3    What's your favorite ice cream flavor???

Haggen Daz Vanilla Swiss Almond

4    Where do you want to go on vacation??

Bora Bora and I want to stay in one of those little huts over the water that have a glass bottom living room.

5    What's your favorite animal???

My cat.  Diva

6    What's your favorite T.V. show???

Brothers and Sisters

7    What's your fav. drink???


8    What's your favorite flower???

Pink roses.  I love the smell of them

9    What's your favorite pet???

My dogs are going to be so jealous but Diva is my favorite

10   What's your favorite book???

I love Danielle Steel books.

This meme is for Dawn's little girl.  She made it up so play along and send a comment to Dawn to let her know you did it so her daugther can see!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I am so happy that it is Friday.  The week went by really fast but I need a break from work for a few days.  By Friday I am usually dragging around cuz I am so tired.  I wish I didn't have to get up so early each day.  I wouldn't like to stay at work any later than I do though so I guess i willl just have to suffer. 

Tonight I have no plans.  It is just going to be a quiet evening.  We have the camper at the campground but I don't think we are going to go there tonight.  Mark has a golf outing tomorrow and I have a jewlery party.  Lia Sophia.  I love thier jewlery and am looking forward to getting lots of free jewlery!!  If any one would like to come feel free to drive on over and join us.  Just remember to bring so suit so we can lay out on the boat after the party is over!  There are quite a few who I know are going to be there so it should be fun. 

On another not so good note.  My dr. called me about the results of the ultrasound that I had a few weeks ago (she was out of the county so it took awhile to get back to me)  I am going to have to have surgery for sure.  I go into the office to have a consult with her and a general surgeon on Thursday.  I will know before I leave that day when my surgery is going to be.  I guess I will be having some time off and will be able to play on the compter a bit more for awhile.  I guess that is one good thing about it! 

Aiden is going to be at our house tonight also.  Jeremy picks him up at six and they should be out there shortly after that.  I am looking forward to seeing that little boy.

Sorry so short but I gotta run some errands be back later.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Busy week

I can't believe that it has been over a week since I posted an entry on here.  It seems like it was just a day or so ago.  It has been a busy week so I guess it just went by so fast I didn't have the opportunity to do it.  This weekend is the first weekend this summer that Mark and I didn't have something that we had to do. No parties to throw, no parties to go to.  Just a do what we want kind of weekend.  I really like this kind of weekend.  Last night I did go to the Pat Benetar concert with a bunch of the girls.  There were 18 of us that went.  It was so much fun.  I have pictures that I will post when I get my camera out of the car.  Everything is still in the car that I took with me last night!  I love going to DTE for concerts.  It is an outside arena.  I love sitting on the hill, alot of people like the pavillion but I like the hill.  Lots more room to dance if the urge strikes you, which it did strike all of us last night.  It was fun.

Last weekend Mark and I went to my Uncles 80th birthday party.  It was at my cousin Mary's house.  Mary and he husband have an awesome "weekend" home.  They live in Chicago but they have a weekend house in Watervliet Michigan.  That is the area that her mom and dad (my aunt and uncle)  The house was awesome.  Mary's husband bought the property and developed it into a gated community and they have one of the houses that were built there.  There is a marina for all the residents of the sub division.  Mary and Tim have  three boats and they took all of us out on two of them for several hours.  One was a large pontoon and the other was a ski boat.  We all had to keep switching boats so that everyone who wanted to tube got a turn to do so.  It was alot of fun.  It was really great to see all my mothers family.  We don't see them enough since my mother passed away.  Sometimes it is hard for me to see them, as it was this past weekend, since it makes me miss my mother a great deal.  Everyone had old pictures they brought with them for us to look at.  I think that made it harder for me since there were so many pictures of my parents.  But we had a great time and we stayed the night in a hotel.  My brother and his wife, my sister and her  husband and her son, and my other sister all stayed at the same hotel and we all went out to eat in the morning.  Mark and I had Aiden with us too.  It was fun.  When Mark and I left there we drove to Robbies new house so we could see where he lived.  Robbie also took us around his new city.  Holland Michigan.  It was a very nice little city.  There is a lake there called Lake Macatawa.  It is quite large and connects to Lake Michigan.  Mark and I would like to get the chance to take our boat there for a weekend and check it out.  I am sure Robbie would like it if we could come stay for a few days too.  Robbie is home this weeked to see one of his friends from high school.  He is also helping with the high school's band camp tonight.  He loved band camp more than anything else at school!  I am sure he will be coming back each year to help out with it.

The week was busy at work.  Mark and I did have a really nice night on Tuesday night.  I came home from work and it was so hot out I just put my suit on right away.  We went out in the boat and stayed out there for a few hours.  When we came in Mark grilled Talapia and zuchinni on the grill.  It was good!!  Really good!  Then we went back out on the boat for a bit.   The boys were all gone that evening so it was just Mark and I.  Sometimes I catch a glimpse of how nice our nights will be and not just of how lonely it will be.  Maybe it will be alot of fun! 

Well I was only taking a break from doing all the much needed cleaning around here.  Being busy and being away for most of the summer has left our house in a mess.  I have been working all day on cleaning.  It is starting to look much better.  Tomorrow I will be moving out to the yard to work on it.  Hopefully I will feel much better about the house and ready to go camp again after that!!